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Loose narrative in which a young girl and a grown women who look quite a bit a like are playing the same character to illustrate the passage of time. Alluding to questions of who we were, who we become and how those people are the same and different at once

actor/model with Vie Agnecy. To play grown character

Child model to play younger version of character

Scene location - Rockaway Beach - at b91st
Open with skipping/dance walk of Elise walking away at the waters edge towards the jetty, twirling around as she goes. Cut to Sophie returning in the same manner. Cumbo lives at B91 in Rockaway beach. Staging can be from apartment for hair makeup, and styling. Access to minivan to drive to further locations

Scene location - Clock at Riis Beach
Would need to drive there, 2-3 miles up from apt.
Idea for scene is that Elise and Sophie are dancing around together. Kind of fight club style in that they are the same person, but more cute and fun vibes, not an Ed Norton and Brad Pitt punch out
Idea for scene is that Elise and Sophie are dancing around together. Kind of fight club style in that they are the same person, but more cute and fun vibes, not an Ed Norton and Brad Pitt punch out

Scene location - Bench at end of boardwalk at b126
Idea for this scene, Sophie sitting in end bench and Elise starts seated behind her on the ground. Cue Elise to get up and weave through the seats and walk around Sophie - Sophie not reacting to Elise

Scene location - dunes at end of B120
Wide shot of the girls walking over them, one at a time, from tripod on boardwalk, longer lens. Would shoot them separately and cut back and forth in post

Scene location - memorial wall at end of b116
Shot where Elise walks through door way and around and then Sophie and they repeat a couple times

Scene location - next to memorial wall at end of b116
Shot idea: Tripod shot, shoot the girls in different spots for short takes in front of and behind different trees, so I can cut them mixed up

Scene location - Grass park at Beach 81
Shot where both ladies are laying on there backs, bodies in opposite direction. Drone can be above and look down and move slowly in on them. Subtle head movements, laying in the grass more meditative

Scene location - also right at b81 park.
If sunny this could be a cool spot to get closer face shots of each of them playing with the light and shadow. camera stationary and have them each sit on one of round rocks, shot separately so I can cut from one model to the other

Scene location - amphitheatre at b94
Wide shot of them both dancing around the stage area, cut to closer shot.

Scene location - in water at close to apt (this would be shot last)
Elise goes under, Sophie come up, repeated takes so it can happen repeatedly. shot with go pro

Scene location - right in front of apt on b91
there's a wide stair way I can stand on and look down. Want to do a shot with each girl kinda tightly framed with them holding the pinwheel. Few seconds on each face. In post I'll cut from one to the other

Scene location - tall grass on pathway near b91
Another closer shot, start with Elise, pan up, switch to Sofie and pan back down

B roll option
I can shoot more with flowers and grass, using the spinning function of gimbal. Crystals in front of lens could be a nice add

B roll option
Rockaway Beach - from drone

B roll option
Rockaway Beach residential view - from drone

B roll option
waves from drone

B roll option
extra water footage from go pro

Mapping the Sky - Leading role - Treatment
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