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Coney Island Day trip video plan

Scene one

Start with scenes from the subway approaching Coney

I would drive crew in mini van from meet up point in Brooklyn. We would take the subway just a few stops back and forth from Still well ave to get these establishment scenic shots and the models coming out of the subway at the still well ave stop.

Scene Two

Luna Park: various games,


Would specifically like to get one of those water shooting games 

slight outfit change from subway shot.

IE, if they were wearing a sweatshirt, now its tied around their waist


or add a hat or sunglasses 

Scene Three

Wonder wheel.

Will do two rounds of this.

One with video DP

One with me for stills.

Def a white cart so its not moving too much

Shots of the models having fun and scenic shots. I like the obstructed POV from the ride


Scene Four

On the beach.

Swim outfit change

Would like to finish with gopro shots in the water.

Also have underwater housing for stills

Scene Four

Styling and mood Inspo

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